Youngberg Industries is a full-service fabrication and manufacturing resource. Controlling our own plate cutting, rolling, stress relieving, machining, shot blasting and painting allows us to offer uncompromising commitment to quality and to provide the best possible service and on time delivery to our customers. From components less than one-hundred pounds to projects weighing in at fifty tons our skilled workforce is experienced in carbons, high strength steels, aluminums and stainless steels.
We manufacture double and single wall vacuum chambers of different types and sizes. Many of our customer’s jacketed vessels are designed and built for internal pressure in the water jacket, as well as internal pressure and vacuum on the inner portion of the vessel. Youngberg Industries also has extensive experience fabricating and machining autoclave and rotating locking ring closure assemblies.
All vacuum chambers and vacuum related components are vacuum tested using a helium mass spectrometer.
Custom Fabrications